I hope to have a greater understanding of music theory, and be able to use that knowledge in my vocal work, both academic and independent.
#1 would be to pass the class, #2 would be to learn new things about music, and #3 would be to have fun doing it.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least motivated, and ten being the most) probably a 7 or an 8.
I usually watch videos of other people doing work to inspire myself, or just push through the lull until I'm back into the groove. There's also the healthy dose of fear, which, if administered sparingly, is very effective at getting out of mental rutts.
Finish my assignments on time (maybe even early if I'm feeling really productive), use other people to bounce ideas or motivation off of, managing my time to minimize stress.
I am a recovering procrastinator, so sometimes I'll fall back into my old ways and leave things for the last minute, so not doing that and managing my time would be lovely. Sometimes, usually around midterms and finals, my stress levels really go up and too much of that fear kicks in and keeps me from doing what I need to do, so better life organization around exam time would be highly beneficial to my overall achievement in the course.
A. I am good at understanding my strengths and weaknesses, and know when I have understood something or if I need to work on it further. Some things I need to work on, are (not on the list, but) not panicking about deadlines, which is something I tend to do, and to seek out multiple solutions to an issue before trying to solve it. Also, I could work a bit more on time management outside of the classroom. I need to work more on being on time for class (it's only A block that I have issues with this, but it still needs to be fixed). I also need to become a bit better at working well with others; I am not mean or anything, but in most group projects in other classes, I am the one doing the most work, so we might've well as just had an independent assignment.
B. The ratio of my True/ False questions were True: 29 and False: 1