Use Music Land to answer the following questions
Is the antecedent phrase symmetrical or asymmetrical to the consequent phrase?
The antecedent phrase is symmetrical to the consequent phrase; they are each four measures long.
Is the antecedent phrase similar or contrasting to the consequent phrase?
The antecedent phrase is similar to the consequent phrase; they have the same pitch geography.
Use Amazing Grace to answer the following questions
Is the antecedent phrase symmetrical or asymmetrical to the consequent phrase?
The antecedent phrase is symmetrical to the consequent phrase; they have the same amount of measures.
Is the antecedent phrase similar or contrasting to the consequent phrase?
The antecedent phrase is contrasting to the consequent phrase; they have different pitch geography.
What kind of cadence is represented at the end of the antecedent phrase?
A half cadence is represented at the end of the antecedent phrase.
What kind of cadence is represented at the end of the consequent phrase?
A perfect authentic cadence is represented at the end of the consequent phrase.
Provide a brief summary explaining
The definition of musical texture
Musical texture is how the tempo, melodic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition, thus determining the overall quality of the sound in a place.
The differences between types of musical textures
The texture of the music might be thick or thin, or it may have many or few layers. It might be made up of rhythm only, or of a melody line with chordal accompaniment, or many interweaving melodies. A thick texture has many different layers of instruments. Thickness can also be affected by the richness of the instruments playing a piece.
Texture clues by sight
How many parts are on a sheet of music, i.e., if it is a melody line with chords than it would most likely be homophonic, if there are more than two parts in the piece of music, especially with more than one independent melody, than it would most likely be polyphonic.
Texture clues by sound
How many voices or instruments you hear when listening to music, i.e., if it is just one person singing than it would be monophonic, if there was one person singing with an accompaniment than it would be homophonic.
Step 4
Would you describe the form of America as being binary or ternary? Explain your answer.
The form of America is binary because it has two distinct parts. The parts do repeat with the repeat sign, but there are no variations in the parts when they repeat, so it would remain as binary.
Would you describe the form of Swing Low Sweet Chariot as being binary or ternary? Explain your answer.
The form of Swing Low Sweet Chariot is ternary because the parts go A, B, A, with part B contrasting with part A.
Step 5
Use the 3rd Movement Autumn from Vivaldi's Four Seasons to provide the Letter Code(ABCDE, etc.) that symbolizes the form
Hint: The 'A' theme can be seen in the first 13 measures of this Excerpt
A, B, A, C, A, D, A, E, A, F, A, G, A
Step 6
Use Little Fugue in G by J.S. Bach to provide the # of times the subject is heard in it's main form
Hint: See fugue subject in this exerpt
The subject is heard 9 times.
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